How Can You Tell If Your Wisdom Teeth Are Coming In

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  • How Can You Tell If Your Wisdom Teeth Are Coming In

By Christopher Smith

If you have some unexplained pressure in the back of your mouth you may have found yourself asking how can I tell if my wisdom teeth are coming in? If you are in between the ages of 16 and 30 this is a viable question. Everyone has heard stories about the pain associated with wisdom teeth, so the subject may make you a little nervous. The answer is to seek dental care.

Wisdom Teeth are the third molars and they normally appear after adolescence. Most people have 4 wisdom teeth, but some have less and some have none at all. The number of wisdom teeth you have is based on genetics, so you may want to ask your parents how many they have and what were their symptoms. There are even rare cases of having more than 4 wisdom teeth.

If you search online under “how can I tell if my wisdom teeth are coming in” you will find thousands of pages with even more symptoms. Your best bet is to call up your dentist and ask what symptoms you should be looking for. If you are feeling any type of pressure or pain in the back of your mouth and jaw, you should make this call. Also, if your teeth seem to be inexplicably moving, you should make that call.


To determine if you are getting your wisdom teeth, your dentist will do an oral exam and probably x-rays. Depending on what he sees, a course of action will be established. Normally, if the wisdom teeth are not affecting other teeth, they will be left in. Often, though, wisdom teeth come in at an angle causing other teeth to move. When this happens, they must be extracted.

When there is a wisdom tooth infection the tooth must also be extracted. A wisdom tooth causes infection when it is partially impacted. Impacted teeth are teeth that do not break the surface. If a wisdom tooth only partially breaks the skin, the remaining skin flap can collect bacteria. The resulting infection can be quite serious if left untreated. While there are alternative treatments that involve removing the skin, tooth extraction is most commonly preferred.

Seeking the care of a dental professional is the only recommended course of action regarding wisdom teeth. They can advise you on your treatment alternatives. If they cannot remove the teeth themselves, they can direct you to an oral surgeon they trust. While you may have a little post-op pain, it will be worth it when the rest of your teeth stay straight and you are free of wisdom tooth pressure.

The more you know about wisdom teeth, the better off you will be. Its important to remember that as an adult, you only have 1 set of teeth, so you’ll want to take care of them. Wisdom teeth can be helpful, but they can also be the cause of future problems for your teeth. So do the right thing: take care of them and if you need them extracted, do so.

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