Understanding Bacterial Acne: A Closer Look At Causes, Treatments, And Hidradenitis Suppurativa Surgery

Acne – a common skin condition – affects millions globally. Its most prevalent form is bacterial acne, which is typically caused by a particular type of bacteria, Propionibacterium acnes (P. acnes), present on the skin. More than an aesthetic problem, bacterial acne can significantly impact physical and emotional health. This article aims to delves deeper into this subject, providing clear understanding of its causes, various treatment options, and the role of hidradenitis suppurativa surgery.

The Origins of Bacterial Acne

Roughly speaking, acne occurs in the sebaceous glands, which produce skin’s natural protecting oil, called sebum. When sebum is overproduced, it can combine with dead skin cells to clog up pores, creating a conducive environment for P. acnes to thrive and cause inflammation – which ultimately results in acne.

While P. acnes is present on everyone’s skin, it doesn’t cause problems for everyone – mainly because its harmful effects are generally kept in check by the presence of other competing bacteria. However, certain factors can tip this balance, such as hormonal changes (especially during puberty), diet, certain medications, and stress.

Effective Treatment Approaches

There are many ways to treat bacterial acne, ranging from topical treatments to oral medications and more intensive procedures. Topical treatments typically involve antibiotics like clindamycin or erythromycin, which kill the acne-causing bacteria. Alternatively, benzoyl peroxide is another common over-the-counter treatment that works by introducing oxygen into the pores, making the environment inhospitable for P. acnes.

For severe cases, oral antibiotics or isotretinoin, a powerful acne medication derived from Vitamin A, may prescribe. Always ensure you follow the advice of a healthcare practitioner to safely navigate potential side effects and complications.

The Place of Hidradenitis Suppurativa Surgery in Acne Treatment

In extreme cases of bacterial acne, surgery may be considered when other treatments have failed. One such procedure is hidradenitis suppurativa surgery.

Hidradenitis suppurativa surgery is often employed in cases of chronic skin condition, hidradenitis suppurativa (HS), which presents as clusters of chronic abscesses, epidermoid cysts, sebaceous cysts, pilonidal cyst or multilocalised infections. HS can often be mistaken for acne, due to the physical similarities and the potential for P. acnes to be involved in its formation.

The procedure itself involves the excision of the affected skin area. While it’s not the first line of treatment and does come with potential risks and complications, like any form of surgery, it can provide significant relief for those suffering from severe forms of skin conditions linked to P. acnes, such as HS.


Living with bacterial acne can be daunting and may have profound impacts on self-confidence. That being said, understanding the role of P. acnes, the factors that can exacerbate this condition, and the wide array of potential treatment options – from topical applications and oral medications to invasive procedures like hidradenitis suppurativa surgery – can provide great solace. The journey might be exhausting, but with the right consultations, treatment plans, and professional care, a clear and healthy skin is not a far-fetch dream.